Eventbrite api
Eventbrite api

eventbrite api eventbrite api

So in the end I’m making multiple API calls using a single Postman request, allowing me to get at what I need for each future event across multiple APIS-abstracting away some of the complexity. This Eventbrite event order Postman capability collection only has one request in it, but I call the second API multiple times using a test script for the request. Event Orders - Pulling the orders fore each individual event, pulling the relevant information needed to assess each event.Events By Organization- Pulls all of the future active events for our Eventbrite organization.I was able to craft my Postman API capability collection using two Eventbrite APIs, getting me the data I need to satisfy what my boss needed to get the updates he needed. I’m a big fan of not just creating reference collections for different APIs like the Eventbrite API, but also creating individual capability collections that use one or many API requests to deliver on a specific business objective.

eventbrite api

So I got to work hacking on the Eventbrite API, learning each of the events API paths, stitching together what I needed to pull together my Postman collection for this new API capability. My boss asked me if I could build a Postman collection that would pull our future events from Evenbrite and display ticket counts for each individual event.

Eventbrite api